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Unexpected Tag Teams: X-Pac and Kane

X-Pac and Kane were two wrestlers disregarded and betrayed by their friends but found each other in their battle with common enemies. What developed was a bond that humanized the Kane character and created a strong friendship, but their union unravelled after Kane found love and enemies became friends again. The story of this tag team has moments of joy and happiness but ends with a tale of deceit and hate.

After Wrestlemania XV, Triple H turned his back on his best friend and sided with corporate boss Shane McMahon and his partner Chyna. Chyna, reuniting with Triple H, betrayed Kane after both had struck up a small friendship. Feeling rejected, X-Pac and Kane found solace amongst themselves and on an April 5th, 1999, episode of Raw, they teamed together for the first time. They managed to win the WWE Tag Team Championships, defeating Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart.

In the following weeks, they were scheduled to defend their tag team championships on RAW. However, their relationship was initially strained, with Kane even delivering a chokeslam to X-Pac out of anger. Despite this, Kane later felt a sense of remorse and picked up X-Pac, carrying him to the back after being the one to knock him out. Despite their rocky start, they continued to team up and successfully defended their tag titles at Over the Edge, retaining against D’Lo Brown and Mark Henry. Their reign as WWE Tag Team Champions lasted for an impressive 50 days until the Acolytes defeated X-Pac and Kane to capture the championships, with Shane McMahon interfering in the match.

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McMahon decided to book X-Pac in a match against The Big Show as a form of punishment for the former 123 Kid. Despite The Big Show's reluctance to compete, X-Pac refused to let him leave and challenged him to a match. This marked the beginning of X-Pac's journey to prove his mettle against larger opponents in the WWE. Even when Kane attempted to remove X-Pac from the match, he refused and managed to kick The Big Show out of the ring, showcasing his grit and determination. This impressive display of skill and heart led X-Pac to the final of the 1999 King of the Ring.

As Kane and The Undertaker teamed up once again on the road to Fully Loaded, X-Pac warned Kane not to fall prey to his brother's manipulative ways. However, The Undertaker chokeslammed X-Pac during their match, leaving Kane visibly concerned for his friend. But when Kane saw the replay of his brother's actions, he became enraged at his manipulative ways and chokeslammed him in turn. Kane then carried X-Pac over his shoulder to the back, while Jim Ross on commentary aptly noted, "He's almost human."

During that segment of Raw, when Kane chose his friend over his own brother, it marked a major turning point in the development of his character. It demonstrated that he was capable of making his own choices, independent of his family ties.

The events that followed at Fully Loaded were equally significant. The Undertaker, along with The Big Show, launched a vicious attack on Kane and X-Pac, leading to a dramatic turn of events in the main event where X-Pac cost The Undertaker the WWE Championship. This set the stage for an intense WWE Tag Team Championship match at Summerslam, pitting X-Pac and Kane against The Undertaker and Big Show.

But the most pivotal moment in the evolution of Kane's character occurred on the August 9th episode of RAW. In a thrilling match, X-Pac and Kane defeated The Acolytes to reclaim the WWE Tag Team Championships. And then, in a moment that will forever be etched in WWE history, Kane spoke for the first time without the use of his electro-larynx. He uttered the iconic D-X phrase 'suck it' to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.

Sadly, the celebration was short-lived as The Undertaker and The Big Show launched a brutal attack on Kane and X-Pac, just days before their epic showdown at Summerslam. Despite the odds stacked against them, Kane and X-Pac put up a valiant fight but ultimately lost the Tag-Team Championships to their formidable opponents.

Kane was quoted while discussing teaming with X-Pac and also how his character developed and was humanized.  

“It was great. It helped me out tremendously. Because up until that point Kane had just been like an emotionless monster and what that did for me, our tag team, was it really helped round out my character because it showed that Kane has feelings and all that stuff which I never had before.

It humanized me enough that people could relate much better, but all that stuff it really helped my character in, in my career. And all the stuff we got to do man, it was a blast, and like you said a lot of times when you have tag teams that are bookends having something that contrasted so much and was so unique and we can have great matches with anybody.”

After the Summerslam event, X-Pac was filled with regret and felt that he had let Kane down, believing that he wasn't good enough to be his partner. This led to X-Pac walking out of the arena, leaving Kane behind. Upon his return, X-Pac and Kane teamed up again, but X-Pac's insecurities led him to try and prove his worth by refusing to tag Kane in during a match against The Acolytes. This ultimately led to X-Pac's defeat, and he continued to try and prove himself in a singles match against Faarooq, where he told Kane not to interfere. However, X-Pac was double-teamed by The Acolytes, and Kane had to come to his rescue. Despite this, X-Pac expressed frustration and explained that he didn't want Kane's help. This all culminated in a match at No Mercy 1999, where X-Pac was determined to prove himself and emerged victorious in a four corners elimination match against Kane, Bradshaw, and Faarooq.

The Monday Night Raw episode on October 25th was a pivotal moment for X-Pac and Kane. Kane was scheduled to face Bubba Ray Dudley, and he asked X-Pac not to interfere, just as X-Pac had requested that Kane stay out of his matches. However, The Dudley Boyz double-teamed Kane during the match, and Tori pleaded with X-Pac to come to his friend's aid. Despite Kane's frustration, X-Pac ultimately came to his rescue. Later that evening, X-Pac reunited with his D-Generation X teammates Triple H and The New Age Outlaws in a highly anticipated reformation of the group.

With X-Pac back in DX, on the following Smackdown, while they teamed together against The Dudley Boyz, X-Pac turned on Kane, executing a low blow which ended their alliance. On the following Raw, X-Pac was scheduled to face Kane, but fellow DX members attacked Kane, leaving him hurt.

X-Pac spoke on his podcast about the possibility of Kane joining DX and the rumour of his appearing in all-green ring gear. 

“It would not have been good for Kane. Maybe everyone could have said ‘Oh, we get to see him in green’ one time, but he is not f**kin’ in DX! He’s Kane! He’s the ‘Big Red Machine,’ he is not the f**kin’ ‘Big Green Machine’, for f**k’s sake!”

X-Pac also shared what it meant to him to be the tag team partner of Kane 

He’s my favourite partner, of all my partners, the stuff we did, the stuff we created, the moments and you know the matches and all that. I just…it’s my favourite just for creative reasons,” said Waltman. “Really proud of some of those matches we had? Really grateful because as much as Glenn [Kane] says how good that was for him and his career, same for me. So yeah, it was great for me at the time. You just have that singles program with a guy like Glenn, with that kind of character, I am very proud of it. It’s just my favourite for so many reasons.” 

We were a popular act and also we were making a f**k load of money for them merchandise-wise. I saw a list it was like 2000 actually by the time, Kane and I were like No. 4 and 5 in the company as far as merch”

At Survivor Series, Kane and X-Pac faced off, with Kane emerging victorious via disqualification after DX once again interfered. During this time, Tori began to show affection for Kane, adding depth to his character as he moved away from being a heartless monster. Kane and Tori became an item, but their relationship was put to the test when X-Pac attacked Kane and knocked Tori down.

Their rivalry continued at Armageddon, where Kane and X-Pac faced off in a steel cage match. X-Pac's despicable actions, including spitting in Tori's face and delivering kicks, coined the term "X-Pac Heat" as the audience could no longer cheer for him. Despite X-Pac's attacks, Kane emerged victorious with a Tombstone, but Tori was not safe from harm as X-Pac executed the X-Factor on her.

As Christmas 1999 approached, Triple H and DX held power in WWE thanks to Triple H's marriage to Stephanie McMahon. They set up a match between Kane and The Big Show for the WWE Championship, with a stipulation that if Kane lost, Tori would have to spend the festive period with X-Pac. With help from DX, The Big Show won the match and Tori was taken backstage by the New Age Outlaws.

The following week, Tori reunited with Kane and shared that she had a wonderful time with X-Pac, who treated her like a true gentleman. Later, Test conversed with Tori backstage, but her behavior became erratic as she accused him of violating her. Tori and Kane demanded a match against Test instead of the previously arranged match against X-Pac. Tori's behavior continued to be unusual as she convinced Kane to fight battles for her that was not even happening.

At the Royal Rumble, X-Pac re-entered the ring and eliminated Kane after being eliminated himself. This led to another match on RAW where X-Pac hit Kane with a chair and forcibly kissed Tori, causing her to freak out. On SmackDown, DX attacked Kane and tied him up in the corner. X-Pac then revealed to Kane that Tori seduced him during that fateful Christmas weekend. Tori and X-Pac then kissed in front of a livid Kane.

The storyline reached its climax at No Way Out, where X-Pac defeated Kane in a No Holds barred match. During the match, Kane delivered a Tombstone to Tori in revenge, and the arena erupted in cheers as Kane gained his revenge on the woman who betrayed him. The final match of their storyline saw them go to Wrestlemania 2000, where X-Pac teamed up with Road Dogg against Kane and Rikishi. Kane and Rikishi emerged victorious, bringing an end to the nearly year-long storyline between the two.

The compelling story between X-Pac and Kane stands as a testament to WWE's ability to execute long-term storylines with great success. Through this storyline, we witnessed the remarkable character development of Kane, as he began to speak and form a strong bond with X-Pac. Moreover, the storyline sheds light on Kane's softer side, proving that he wasn't entirely a monster by falling in love. The significance of X-Pac's role in this storyline cannot be overstated, as his actions in attacking Tori and subsequently becoming a couple with her made him one of the most hated heels in the company for a brief period. This established heel heat that he was never able to shake for the remainder of his career.

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