The Final Years of Mike Awesome
When one thinks of Mike Awesome, his epic battles in ECW and FMW with Masato Tanaka or his incredible run as the ECW World Champion come to mind. But what happened to the man after his prominent runs in ECW, WCW and WWF? And what led to the tragic end of his life? These are the final years of Mike Awesome.

Mike Awesome - Reimagining His WCW Run
In April 2000, WCW signed away the ECW current World Heavyweight Mike Awesome. After a dominant run in the land of extreme, all momentum came to a screeching halt after being stuck with laughable gimmicks in World Championship Wrestling. Today, we reimagine that run.

How Tazz Defeated Mike Awesome for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship
When Mike Awesome signed with WCW and took the ECW World Championship with him, Paul Heyman made a request for a WWF wrestler to help him out, Tazz.