IMPACT Wrestling Results - 09-15-2020 - Rich Swann Returns for Revenge

On an action-packed edition of IMPACT!, we'll see a blockbuster 8 Man tag team main event, as IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns join forces with Dez & Wentz of The Rascalz against Ace Austin, Madman Fulton & The North. Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo teams up with Kimber Lee against No. 1 contender Kylie Rae and Susie. Former Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie looks to keep her momentum rolling when she goes one-on-one with Kiera Hogan. Brian Myers looks to make it 3-0 against Willie Mack after bending the rules to escape with two victories. TJP takes on Trey Miguel in a showcase of high flying stars. The teams of XXXL and The Deaners collide in tag team action. Plus Rich Swann will be in the IMPACT Zone to address his surprising return last week when he saved Tommy Dreamer from the vicious assault by IMPACT World Champion Eric Young.

The show begins with a graphic card honoring Barry Scott who unfortunately passed away last week. Scott is best known as the voice of TNA Wrestling and many of their best promos over the years. Very classy to honor the legacy of Barry Scott who had a huge impact on many wrestling fans without them necessarily even knowing who he was.

The show proper begins with a recap of the confrontation between IMPACT World Champion Eric Young and Alisha Edwards that led to Tommy Dreamer making the save and the main event match between the two. Footage is shown of Young’s attack on Dreamer after the match and Rich Swann making the save with a potentially ill-advised attack on the champion.

As always, our commentary team is Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne. Matthews opens by saying tonight is a night in honor of Barry Scott.

Knockouts Tag Team Match: IMPACT Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo & Kimber Lee vs. Susie & Kylie Rae

Result: Kylie Rae and Susie win via pinfall when Susie pins Kimber Lee.

Thoughts: Built from Kylie Rae being the number one contender now that she’s returned from WrestleHouse and the confrontation on last week’s Locker Room Talk, we get a taste of what I’m guessing will be the big Knockouts Championship match at Bound For Glory as Purrazzo and Rae dig into each other to start the match. Peppering the match with Kimber Lee who has become somewhat of Purrazzo’s lackey in addition to Susie is a good choice, as all four women in the match know how to tear it up in the ring. Matthews and Rayne on commentary really push the friendship and team of Susie and Kylie as the two even have matching gear. On the same hand Rayne hints at the past of Susie as Su Yung possibly hinting at a future feud between the two. Susie picks up the victory following the Panic Switch, Su Yung’s finisher on Kimber Lee. A good match and they are certainly leaning into the Su Yung drama.

Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne run down the night’s card.

IMPACT X Division Champion Rohit Raju runs into Trey backstage who accuses Rohit of ducking everyone in the division while claiming he is handing out opportunities. Rohit says it isn’t up to him as Chris Bey is supposed to get his rematch but got beat last week by TJP. Trey says he will roll up TJP and smoke him then ask him again.

John E. Bravo is on the phone making plans for the wedding when Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan approach him about being the best men at the wedding. He tells them he already has a best man and that Taya didn’t make the decision. When pressed about who will be his best man, Fallah Bahh gets the nod since he just happened to walk by.

Tag Team Match: XXXL (Acey Romero & Larry D) vs. The Deaners (Cody Deaner & Cousin Jake)

Result: XXXL win via pinfall when Larry D pins Cousin Jake.

Thoughts: A natural follow-up to all the tension between the teams at WrestleHouse. Cody starts the match by asking for a renewal of their truce, but Acey kicks him in the face instead. XXXL work over Cody for most of the match before Cousin Jake gets the hot tag and goes on a tear. Everything breaks down until all four men are in the ring. Jake hits a big Hogan/Andre bodyslam on Acey but eats The Best Hand In The House from Larry D for the win.

Singles Match: Trey Miguel vs. TJP

Result: Trey Miguel wins via pinfall.

Thoughts: The overarching story of the X Division continues with everybody wanting a shot at the champion Rohit Raju while he continues to pit them all against one another and avoiding action altogether. A great quick paced match with both men showing mutual respect as their styles compliment each other well. While I was never a huge fan of TJP during his WWE run, he continues to expand his arsenal since his IMPACT return and shows why he has gained the accolades he has over the years. Trey also continues to impress every single time I see him and the two put together a sequence in the corner that I can say I’ve never seen something quite like it in my nearly 35 years of watching wrestling. Completely back and forth right until the end like a good chess match, Trey hits a ground based Meteora then goes up top and hits it from the top rope to pick up the win.

Backstage we see The North and Madman Fulton absolutely dismantling The Rascalz while Ace Austin orchestrates. Jimmy Jacobs and the Machine Guns enter to make the save as we head to break.

Back from break, the doctor confirms to the Machine Guns that The Rascalz can not wrestle tonight. The Good Brothers come in (referring to the doctor as Dr. Yankem) and basically tell the Machine Guns they will fill in tonight, against their objections. Looks like we get three Machine Guns in the ring tonight.

Rich Swann comes to the ring and calls out Scott D’Amore. He says this is something that was supposed to be handled in the office but he wants to do it in front of the whole world. Swann pleads with D’Amore to let him get back into the ring and face Eric Young. D’Amore tells him that as much as he wants to, he simply isn’t medically cleared. Rich tells him that he will be cleared by October 24th for Bound For Glory. He says he is the only one who has pinned Eric Young doing so at Slammiversary and that should put him next in line. Scott tells him he doesn’t want to see Rich end up crippled. Rich fires back that since D’Amore was a wrestler he knows he understands how badly you need to get in the ring and settle the score. Rich tells him that he doesn’t care if he ends up crippled, if he cannot have this match you may as well take him out behind the barn and put him down. Before D’Amore can answer, Eric Young makes his way to the ring. EY takes out D’Amore but Swann fights Young out of the ring. After some trash talk, D’Amore tells Swann to be ready for Bound For Glory to “take that piece of shit out.” So it’s official, our Bound For Glory main event will be Eric Young defending the IMPACT World Championship against Rich Swann.

Taya confronts Rosemary backstage asking her where she was last week and asking her to be at ringside for her match tonight. Rosemary tells her she has to do some things before the match and for Taya to come help her, but Taya refuses as she has to prepare her gear for the match. They agree to meet out at the ring for the match.

Singles Match: Brian Myers vs. Willie Mack

Result: Willie Mack wins via pinfall.

Thoughts: In what seems at this point like a weekly occurrence, it’s time for our Myers/Mack match. I like both guys, but they aren’t even being coy about them having a rematch every week for a month at this point. Myers controls the bulk of the match, hitting a Russian leg sweep on the ramp nearly leading to a countout. As his frustration builds with being unable to put away Mack, he tears the turnbuckle off right in front of the referee. His attempt to throw Mack in it fails and Mack slowly begins making his comeback. In the end, Willie Mack finally gets his win back with a stunner.

We see Rosemary backstage dismissing Nevaeh to speak with Havok. Her desire to resurrect the one who can officiate the demon wedding needs Havok’s consent. Despite Havok’s refusal Rosemary insists, leading to a brief beatdown before Nevaeh separates the two.

Moose approaches Scott D’Amore backstage and says that he is being stalked by EC3. Scott tells Moose that maybe all of this is in his head and leaves. As soon as he leaves EC3 appears and advises Moose that time is running out before he destroys the TNA Championship. Moose makes a call to the “Demo God” to ask what he did when his title was stolen and gets advice. He tells the “Demo God” that next time the Bubbly is on him.

We see Rhino sneaking Heath into the building to steal the money from Hernandez.

Tenille Dashwood is in the middle of a photoshoot which is immediately crashed by Jordynne Grace. Jordynne tells her that next week they have a match together.

Knockouts Match: Kiera Hogan (with Tasha Steelz) vs. Taya Valkyrie

Result: Kiera Hogan wins via pinfall.

Thoughts: A follow-up to last week’s match, but the real story is the absence of Rosemary due to the beatdown from Havok. Complete and utter domination from Taya for several minutes, which is unfortunate due to how really good Kiera Hogan is. Alas, the story overshadows the match. Following some verbal distractions by Steelz, Kiera gets a little momentum which Taya snuffs out quickly. Tasha and Taya get into it while Kiera keeps the ref distracted, leading her into a kick to the head and a fisherman’s-style pinning combination for the win.

Rhino busts in on Hernandez and challenges him to an arm-wrestling match. Some offbeat shenanigans lead to Rhino distracting Hernandez enough for Heath to steal the wad of cash. As soon as Heath gets away with the cash, Rhino bails on the match.

Chris Bey runs into Rohit Raju backstage and demands his rematch. Rohit says that since TJP beat Bey that makes TJP next in line and TJP enters the shot asking for his match. Rohit says that since Trey beat TJP he goes up next as Trey enters the picture. Rohit tells them they all need to have a triple threat match and the three make him verbally agree that whoever wins the triple threat will get a shot at the title.

Matthews and Rayne run down next week’s card, including Kimber Lee facing Susie, Rohit defending the X Division Championship against the winner of the triple threat and Jordynne Grace finally getting her hands on Tenille Dashwood in a match.

8-Man Tag Team Match – The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) and Madman Fulton & Ace Austin vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) and The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson)

Result: Ace Austin wins for his team via pinfall on Chris Sabin.

Thoughts: The first several minutes feature The Good Brothers beating down Ace Austin before Anderson tags in Sabin with a chop to the chest. Not to be outdone in terms of teamwork cohesion Ethan Page talks trash to Austin advising him to watch Alexander in the ring to see how it is done. I have to credit IMPACT for having their four top teams in one match and having tension between not only the faces but the heels as well, which is refreshing to see. And we need to acknowledge how absolutely great and hilarious Ethan Page is both in the ring and on the apron. If there is any single talent in this big match who has the potential to be a top star it is Page. As can be expected we get all hell breaking loose with the finisher parade ending with The North laying out Sabin but Ace Austin tagging himself in to secure the victory. A lot of tension between all the teams in this one, which will likely escalate in the weeks to come as we approach Bound For Glory.

Join me back here next week for more IMPACT with another solid card as the march to Glory continues to heat up!

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Kyle Scharf

Kyle is a published writer for HorrorHound and a Senior Contributor to The Signature Spot.


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