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IMPACT Wrestling Results - 11-03-2020 - Who Shot Bravo?

A blockbuster tag team match headlines this week's edition of IMPACT!, as freshly minted IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann joins forces with Eddie Edwards against the team of Eric Young and Sami Callihan, who will have "The World's Most Dangerous Man" and IMPACT Hall of Famer Ken Shamrock in his corner. In a rematch from BOUND FOR GLORY, Knockouts Champion Su Yung puts her title on the line against Deonna Purrazzo. The hunt for a prime suspect is on, as Tommy Dreamer leads the investigation into who shot John E. Bravo last week. The X-Division takes center stage, as Trey Miguel goes one-on-one with Chris Bey. One half of The Good Brothers, Doc Gallows takes on one half of IMPACT Tag Team Champions The North, Ethan Page. Madison Rayne and Johnny Swinger host a new edition of Locker Room Talk, as they welcome special guests Jordynne Grace and Tenille Dashwood. We'll witness the official contract signing for Heath. Plus the Defeat Rohit Challenge returns, as X-Division Champion Rohit Raju defends against a mystery opponent.

The show begins with a recap of everything leading up to last week’s wedding, focusing on all of the people who John E. Bravo essentially drove away by mocking and belittling everyone as a way of making everyone a suspect in his shooting. The focus shifts to the return of Father James Mitchell and seemingly everyone having a “bad feeling about this.”

Scott D’Amore is on the phone and is told that Bravo is in a medically induced coma and Tommy Dreamer shows up dressed as Sherlock Holmes and is launching an investigation to find the culprit.

As always our commentary team is Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne.

Knockouts Championship Match – Deonna Purrazzo (w/ Kimber Lee) vs. Su Yung (C)

Result: Deonna Purrazzo wins via disqualification after Su Yung hits her with a steel chair. 

Thoughts: A rematch from Bound For Glory, Purrazzo gets her rightful rematch and can actually be prepared for the opponent she is facing this time. A lot of back and forth to begin with reversals aplenty as Su goes for the Mandible Claw and Deonna goes for the Fujiwara armbar. Deonna takes control with a heavy focus on the arm. Both competitors go back and forth with very stiff forearm shots. Su locks in the Mandible Claw but Kimber Lee throws a steel chair into the ring for the distraction. Both Su and Deonna go for the chair resulting in Su hitting Deonna in the mid-section with the chair leaving the referee to call for the disqualification. Su takes a couple more shots at Lee and Purrazzo clearing the ring.

Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne run down the recent events and the card for tonight. 

Heath is backstage with Rhino and it’s clear that Heath is still in rough shape. Scott D’Amore brings in the new contract. D’Amore and Heath go back and forth about his injury status. D’Amore informs Heath that they cannot sign the contract until he is healthy. Rhino and Heath leave dejected but before D’Amore can depart he is joined by Barrister Evans from last week complaining about Deonna Purrazzo not winning the Knockouts Championship due to a disqualification. D’Amore advises that Su Yung will defend the Knockouts Championship against Deonna Purrazzo at Turning Point, but it will be a No-DQ match and anything goes.

Eddie Edwards is backstage and joined by the IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann (amusingly singing Edwards’ theme song). The two discuss the history they have with their opponents and go back to singing Edwards’ theme.

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Singles Match – Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel

Result: Chris Bey wins via pinfall with a springboard cutter.

Thoughts: A collision between two of the best and most innovative X Division stars this one should be good. Starting slowly with some limb work it takes about a minute before both athletes kick it into overdrive and start flying around. At this point, I am severely happy that I never started doing a blow by blow recaps because keeping up with these two would be next to impossible. The thing I love about the current X Division is that the guys will do some crazy spots but still actually manage to tell a story throughout the match without it just being a spot monkey fest. Trey comminates towards the end until Bey is able to seize an opportunity and hit one of the most beautiful springboard cutters I’ve ever seen. Seek out this match, it’s a damned good one!

Time for some Locker Room Talk with Madison Rayne and Johnny Swinger. Rayne questions whether Swinger is a suspect in the shooting of John E. Bravo but he declares innocence. Rayne welcomes in Jordynne Grace and Tenille Dashwood, as well as Kaleb (with a K!). Madison asks them about finding a tag partner in the tournament for the returning Knockouts Tag Titles. Grace eventually asks Tenille to be her partner and Tenille….asks Madison to be her partner. They go for a photo and Grace leaves, throwing away Kaleb (with a K!)’s phone. They go to take the photo with Tenille’s phone but expectedly Swinger ruins the shot and we go to break.

We see Dreamer interviewing the referee from a few weeks back. After some back and forth Dreamer dismisses him and asks for the next suspect. Cody Deaner comes in but is cut off by Johnny Swinger. They argue over who is next and we find out that they have a match against one another. Dreamer calls for “MATCH TIME!” but Deaner reminds him this is the wrong show. Dreamer tells both men to go have their match but they better come back as they are both suspects.

Rohit Raju is out for a new edition of the Defeat Rohit Challenge and asks for some fresh meat. TJP enters the ring in his street clothes and grabs a mic. TJP asks for an opportunity and Rohit informs him that he lost at Bound For Glory, so he offers him the opportunity to get the hell out of the ring. Rohit loses his cool and cuts a promo about how he worked his way from the bottom. TJP fires up and cuts may be the best promo I’ve ever seen from him. The two continue to go back and forth leading to TJP throwing his tea at Rohit. The two brawl with TJP coming out on top and left standing in the ring with the X Division Championship.

Gia Miller is backstage with Chris Sabin. She asks about the attack on Alex Shelley by XXXL last week. Sabin calls out the tag division for playing divide and conquer and challenges either Acey Romero or Larry D to a singles match so he can show why he is one half of the greatest tag team in the world (hey, I didn’t know he was half of The North?!?)

Rohit is backstage complaining to Scott D’Amore about TJP attacking him. TJP interrupts and D’Amore yells at both of them. TJP asks for one more shot. Scott tells him they will have a one on one match and if TJP doesn’t win he cannot challenge for the X Division Championship as long as Rohit is Champion.

Singles Match – Ethan Page (w/ Josh Alexander) vs. Doc Gallows (w/ Karl Anderson)

Result: Doc Gallows wins via pinfall with a big boot.

Thoughts: A battle between one half of the best tag team in the world (The North) and one half of who call themselves the best tag team in the world (The Good Brothers) that has been building for months. The Big LG dominates early leading to several moments of Page on the outside of the ring trying to calm himself. Page finally gets an advantage following a distraction from Josh Alexander on the outside. A relatively slow match that finally picks up when Gallows gets his hot comeback. Alexander grabs Gallows’ leg leading to Karl Anderson attacking him but he gets thrown into the post. Gallows hits a big boot for the pinfall win but Alexander and Page immediately attack until Anderson can make the save and clear the ring.

Gia Miller is backstage with Swoggle, holding a copy of his book. He says it’s amazing to be back in IMPACT with all of the other misfit toys. He says it’s time for him to be considered a professional wrestler and not a gimmick. He is interrupted by Brian Myers who reminds him that he is a freak and his run in IMPACT will be just as short as he is.

Singles Match – Johnny Swinger vs. Cody Deaner (w/ Cousin Jake)

Result: Johnny Swinger wins via pinfall after a hit with a loaded fanny pack.

Thoughts: I like both these guys, especially how hilarious Johnny Swinger is at this point in his career but I am not sure why this match is happening. Cody stomps a mudhole in Swinger and takes a swig of beer from Cousin Jake. Swinger grabs a steel chair and his bedazzled fanny pack. Cousin Jake grabs away the chair distracting the referee allowing Swinger to clock Deaner with the bedazzled fanny pack for the pinfall victory.

The TNA World Heavyweight Champion Moose comes to the ring with his title in a suit as highlights from his match with EC3 at Bound For Glory are shown. He says that the past few months neither he nor the TNA World Heavyweight Championship have not been taken seriously but it should no longer be the case following Bound For Glory. He claims he is now born-again after controlling his narrative. He notes that he is undefeated in PPV matches and he has beaten RVD, Rhino, Ken Shamrock, Tommy Dreamer and EC3. He says nobody talks about him but instead everyone talks about IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann. He says he views Rich’s title as the second most important title in the company. He throws to the footage of last week when he attacked Willie Mack in the parking lot. He tells Rich to ask Willie what real pain feels like. He tells Rich that he has been warned. Willie Mack runs out and attacks Moose and they battle to the outside of the ring. Moose pummels the hell out of Willie, then wraps a camera cable around his throat choking him out.

Backstage we see Rich Swann who is joined by Chris Bey who congratulates him on the title victory. He tells Rich that he needs to go tell the office that he wants to defend the title against him. Swann tells Bey that he cannot ‘finesse’ him and that he needs to go out and earn his title opportunity. Eddie Edwards comes and grabs Rich for their match leaving Bey alone on the couch.

Tommy Dreamer has narrowed down the list of people who shot Bravo down to 10, and has them all collected together. Our suspect list consists of Johnny Swinger, the referee from earlier (I’m sure he has a name, but I’ve never caught it!), Havok, Cody Deaner, Fallah Bahh, Father James Mitchell, Hernandez, Larry D, Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary. Mitchell claims this is all nonsense and he is an absolute angel causing laughter from everyone. Taya claims she has been on her best behavior which Dreamer points out makes her a prime suspect. Dreamer says there will be no answer tonight but he will find the culprit, as we get humorous mug shots of the ten suspects.

Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne run down the card for next week including, Rohit Raju facing TJP for the X Division Title with the stipulations from earlier, Chris Sabin will battle Acey Romero with Larry D in his corner, and Madison Rayne herself returns to action to team with Tenille Dashwood against Havok & Nevaeh. They also plug Turning Point on Saturday, November 14th where Su Yung will defend the Knockouts Championship against Deonna Purrazzo in a No-DQ match and Moose will face Willie Mack in singles action.

Tag Team Match – Eddie Edwards & Rich Swann vs. Eric Young & Sami Callihan (w/ Ken Shamrock)

Result: Sami Callihan & Eric Young win via pinfall when Sami pins Eddie Edwards after a Piledriver.

Thoughts: Big time tag match with four of IMPACT’s biggest stars. No sign of the advertised Ken Shamrock as the match begins. Edwards & Swann completely in control as the match heads to the final break of the night. Both men look like a well-oiled machine that has been tagging for years. The tides shift as Eric Young enters the match and absolutely brutalizes Eddie Edwards. Frequent tags allow Young & Callihan to work over Edwards for nearly five minutes. Edwards able to hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Sami but Young gets tagged in before Eddie can get to his partner. A battle between Eddie and EY on the top rope leading a huge superplex on Young. Sami gets tagged in and Swann gets the hot tag leading to a hurricanrana from the top on Callihan that forces him into a flip on a fallen Young. Double piledriver attempts leads to a Boston Crab and Sharpshooter combo. Callihan about to tap out to Swann’s Sharpshooter but Young prevents it while locked in Edwards’ Boston Crab. Swann and Young get cleared out of the ring leaving Callihan to fall victim to a backpack stunner. As Sami is trapped in a one-legged crab Ken Shamrock emerges to attack Rich Swann, throwing him into the ring post. The distraction allows Sami to hit a Piledriver on Eddie for the win. 

Another great episode of IMPACT as they roll on past Bound For Glory and right into Turning Point in 11 nights!

Kyle’s Pick Of The Night

Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel – As if there was any doubt, two of my favorite performers in the company went out there and tore it up. Make sure you catch it!

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