IMPACT Wrestling Results - 11-10-2020 - Karl Anderson vs Josh Alexander

On this week's edition of IMPACT!, the hunt continues for who shot John E. Bravo. One half of the IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The North, Josh Alexander, goes one-on-one with Karl Anderson. Rohit Raju puts the X-Division Championship on the line against TJP. If he's unsuccessful, TJP will never get another title shot as long as Rohit Raju is Champion. Knockouts Champion Su Yung battles Kimber Lee. Ace Austin takes on "The War Machine" Rhino. The team of Fallah Bahh & Crazzy Steve face off against Reno Scum. Acey Romero of XXXL meets Chris Sabin of The Motor City Machine Guns. Former World Champion Eddie Edwards squares off with former X-Division Champion Chris Bey. Plus Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood join forces against the team of Havok & Nevaeh.

The show begins with a recap of the meeting between Scott D’Amore, Rhino and Heath, moving into Tommy Dreamer’s investigation of who shot John E. Bravo. As well we get a recap of D’Amore announcing the No DQ Match for the Knockouts Title at Turning Point and the main event last week.

Our commentary team this week is Josh Matthews on his own.

Kaleb (with a K!) is in the ring to introduce Tenille Dashwood, who is then joined by her new tag team partner Madison Rayne.

Tag Team Match: Tenille Dashwood & Madison Rayne (with Kaleb [with a K!]) vs. Havok & Nevaeh

Result: Havok & Nevaeh win by pinfall following a Tombstone by Havok on Madison Rayne.

Thoughts: Immediate miscommunication between Madison and Tenille as Madison insists on starting the match against Nevaeh. Some back and forth before Tenille enters the match as Madison and Kaleb (with a K!) exchange words. Havok enters the match but Tenille gets the best of her for a little bit as she does her breathing exercises as well. Madison Rayne gets back in but Havok gets the best of her with a Tombstone piledriver for the pinfall victory as Tenille and Kaleb (with a K!) look dejected.

Josh Matthews says that Madison Rayne will be rejoining the commentary booth but will likely be in a bad mood following her loss. He goes over the card for this Saturday’s Turning Point IMPACT! Plus special and the remainder of what’s to come on tonight’s show.

Gia Miller is backstage with The Good Brothers to discuss their IMPACT World Tag Team Championship match with The North at Turning Point and tonight’s main event match between Karl Anderson and Josh Alexander. They are interrupted by Ethan Page who slaps Karl in the face. Karl returns the slap as we go to break.

A video package is shown for Talknshopamania 2 on PPV this Friday and the Rise of the Torturer (who appears to be a big dude wearing a Jason Voorhees mask).

Tommy Dreamer is interrogating Larry D of XXXL, stating that Bravo was the reason Larry was eliminated from the Call Your Shot gauntlet. Larry is hooked up to what appears to be a lie detector. Larry says he didn’t shoot Bravo and Dreamer says there is no deception detected. Larry removes the equipment and Cody Deaner enters the room and hooks himself up. Deaner talks about being defeated by Johnny Swinger and it being a career lowlight. Deaner says he didn’t shoot Bravo but we get no detection and return to ringside.

Madison Rayne has rejoined Josh Matthews in the commentary booth.

X Division Championship Match – TJP vs. Rohit Raju (C) – If TJP loses he cannot challenge for the X Division Championship as long as Rohit is Champion

Result: Rohit Raju wins by pinfall after a running knee strike to the head.

Thoughts: Both men get into it right away battling on the ramp, with TJP delivering a stiff suplex on the ramp. They move into the ring as the bell rings. TJP dominates early but Rohit makes a small comeback as we head to break. When we return Rohit is in complete control. Some frustration from Rohit as he continues to keep TJP grounded and works him over. TJP able to take control with a tornado DDT and locks in a surfboard stretch into a pinfall combination. TJP goes up top but Rohit is able to knock him down into a tree of woe, but is able to avoid Rohit’s attack. TJP goes for the Mamba Splash from the top but Rohit reverses into a Crossface. Some rolling around and Rohit is trapped in a knee bar. Rohit grabs the title and as the referee takes it away he lands a low blow followed by a running knee strike to the head and gets the pin. As long as Rohit holds the X Division Championship TJP can not get a title shot.

Backstage Fallah Bahh has the wad of cash. Hernandez comes out of the interrogation room and tells Fallah Bahh he thinks he has the money (which he does). Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan show up and tell off Hernandez. They steal the wad of cash and replace it in his pocket with a roll of electrical tape while he is distracted and tell him they love him. They leave Fallah who grabs his pocket and thinks he still has the wad of cash as he goes into the interrogation room.

The Rascalz are in the treehouse and have a letter saying they are being evicted if they don’t pay the rent they haven’t paid in two years and announce that they are departing IMPACT Wrestling. This is a huge blow as they have constantly been a highlight of the show, so if this is true it will be interesting to see where they end up.

Singles Match – Acey Romero (with Larry D) vs. Chris Sabin

Result: Chris Sabin wins by pinfall after three enziguri kicks to the head.

Thoughts: Acey on the attack as soon as Sabin enters the ring. He tosses him out of the ring and distracts the referee while Larry D gets in a few shots on Sabin on the outside. Sabin tries to fight back but Acey uses his size to keep Sabin down. Complete domination from Acey with Sabin unable to put anything together at all. Sabin able to sidestep Acey as he falls to the outside and Sabin over the top on both members of XXXL. A crossbody from the top by Sabin as he is finally able to get some offense in. Three enziguris later and Sabin gets the pinfall victory. Following the match Larry D gets in and attacks Sabin. Acey joins the attack and both men leave Sabin beaten down.

Chris Bey is backstage and joined by Sami Callihan. Callihan puts Bey over. The two men appear to be discussing a possible partnership ahead of Bey’s match with Eddie Edwards as we head to break.

Father James Mitchell is with Detective Tommy Dreamer doing the lie detector test. Mitchell says he knows he is the perfect suspect and wants to get at Rosemary, but he says that guns are inelegant and not his style. Dreamer says that his lie detector is showing deception and Mitchell says he may know who did shoot Bravo.

Singles Match – Chris Bey vs. Eddie Edwards

Result: Eddie Edwards wins by pinfall with a reversal to a springboard cutter into a pinning combination.

Thoughts: ‘The Ultimate Finesser’ Chris Bey showing right away why he has that name as he flies around the ring and slips through everything. Edwards takes control early but Bey uses his ability to do just about anything to bounce back. During the match Matthews and Rayne announce that Chris Bey will be competing in the New Japan Super J Cup, indicating that the relationship between New Japan and IMPACT has been repaired. Both men go back and forth with neither man able to keep the momentum in their favor. Bey goes for the springboard cutter but Edwards backs up and catches Bey in a pinfall combination out of nowhere for the win. 

Following the match, Chris Bey grabs a steel chair and enters the ring. Sami Callihan’s music hits and the lights go out. When they come back Callihan is in the ring with a bat and attacks Edwards. The IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann makes the save but Ken Shamrock joins the fray and attacks. Bey attacks with the steel chair and the three place a steel chair on Swann’s neck and Callihan is about to use the baseball bat when the Rascalz come in and make the save. We get a standoff as Swann gets back to his feet.

Backstage, Tenille Dashwood is with Kaleb (with a K!) and they approach Jordynne Grace. Tenille leaves it to Kaleb (with a K! [is it getting old yet?]) who goes to ask Jordynne to be her tag team partner. Jordynne tells them that Tenille has to ask herself and Tenille finally relents and requests that Jordynne be her partner for the tournament. Jordynne tells her that she needs a tag team partner she can trust, so at Turning Point this Saturday Tenille has the opportunity to earn her trust. Looks like we will have a match this Saturday, but no opponents are indicated as of yet.

A video package is shown for Turning Point this Saturday on IMPACT! Plus.

Backstage Rich Swann approaches The Rascalz and thanks them for helping him before they leave IMPACT. They discuss their eviction notice and Rich suggests they go out with a bang (and we get a DDP reference). Rich proposes a tag match between himself and Trey Miguel against Dez and Wentz which will go down next week on IMPACT. And I will say right now that if given the time, that match should be one hell of a banger.

The IMPACT! Plus Flashback Moment Of The Week is from Turning Point 2009 as Beer Money (James Storm & Robert Roode) battle the British Invasion (Doug Williams & Brutus Magnus aka Nick Aldis) and the Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley). Interference from the then-Global Champion Eric Young leads to him facing off with James Storm and an appearance from ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash who attacks Storm. This leaves Robert Roode to be defeated by British Invasion.

Gia Miller interviews Deonna Purrazzo who is with Kimber Lee. They discuss the No DQ Match this Saturday at Turning Point. Deonna says she is the “Virtuosa” and she has a curator, but Kimber Lee disappears. Deonna goes to a nearby room where there is writing on the window saying “I think ur alone now” and Kimber Lee gets her face thrown into the window.

Back to the interrogation room with Tommy Dreamer and Father James Mitchell. Havok enters the room and has a face-off with Mitchell. Dreamer indicates that Havok shot Bravo because she didn’t want to bring back Mitchell but was forced to. Havok says Dreamer should be questioning Rosemary but he says he has paused her investigation as she has a match this Saturday at Turning Point. He asks Havok if she shot Bravo but we cut away before an answer.

Tag Team Match – Reno Scum vs. Fallah Bahh & Crazzy Steve

Result: Reno Scum win by pinfall when Thornstowe pins Fallah Bahh after a stomp from the top.

Thoughts: Complete domination from Reno Scum on Crazzy Steve as both Luster The Legend and Adam Thornstowe beat him down. We get the Pit City Nasty Boyz act. Steve finally gets the hot tag to Fallah and he cleans house. Crazzy Steve goes for a crossbody on the outside to Luster who catches him and drives him into the ringpost, leaving Fallah prey to a STF top rope stomp combination.

Chris Sabin is backstage asking for help to someone offscreen to be his tag team partner. The camera moves to show that it is the Cowboy James Storm, who agrees to be Sabin’s partner as long as he buys him some beer.

Willie Mack is backstage being examined by the doctor, who tells him he has a bruised larynx, but he is cleared to wrestle. He is immediately attacked by Moose who tries to choke him out but Willie turns it around on him and chokes him out a bit. He says he will see him at Turning Point as Moose smiles deviously.

Josh and Madison go over the card for Turning Point, featuring Moose against Willie Mack, Eddie Edwards will face the returning Daivari, Brian Myers faces Swoggle, Tenille Dashwood & Jordynne Grace face off against Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie, The North will defend the IMPACT World Tag Team Championships against The Good Brothers, Su Yung against Deonna Purrazzo in a No DQ Match for the IMPACT Knockouts Championship and the main event will be Rich Swann defending the IMPACT World Championship against Sami Callihan. All of this will be airing Saturday night at 8 PM EST on IMPACT! Plus.

Singles Match – Josh Alexander (with Ethan Page) vs. Karl Anderson (with Doc Gallows)

Result: Karl Anderson wins by disqualification when Ethan Page enters the ring and attacks.

Thoughts: Early leg work by the ‘Walking Weapon’ on the ‘Machine Gun’ before Anderson takes control sending Alexander out of the ring as we head to break. When we come back we get Alexander taking back the momentum and ‘All Ego’ on the outside showing off the Tag Team Titles. Complete dissection by Josh Alexander as Anderson simply struggles to stay in the match. Anderson is able to hit a big neckbreaker out of desperation and both men stand in the middle of the ring exchanging big forearms. Anderson finally able to put together some offense and is able to land a big spinebuster a la Arn Anderson. Reversal to a double underhook suplex leads to some scary-looking bumps by Alexander as the ‘Machine Gun’ goes for the Gun Stun and Ethan Page enters the ring and attacks Anderson. Gallows enters and all four men brawl in the ring as security enters and tries to keep them all apart. The show ends with security holding both teams on opposite sides of the ring.

A decent show not quite on the level of quality that IMPACT has been putting out as of late but it did a good job of building towards this Saturday’s Turning Point IMPACT! Plus special.

Kyle’s Pick Of The Week

Chris Bey vs. Eddie Edwards – Another easy pick this week as Bey and Edwards put on one hell of a showing that helped build towards Turning Point.

Kyle Scharf

Kyle is a published writer for HorrorHound and a Senior Contributor to The Signature Spot.


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