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IMPACT Wrestling Results - 10-27-2020 - The Fallout From Bound For Glory

Witness the epic aftermath from BOUND FOR GLORY live on pay-per-view, as Eric Young battled Rich Swann for the coveted IMPACT World Championship, Deonna Purrazzo and Kylie Rae competed for the Knockouts Title, the Tag Team Championship was decided in a star-studded 4 Way match, Moose and EC3 settled the score at an undisclosed location, plus find out who emerged victorious in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet. And the wait is finally over, as the wedding between Rosemary and John E. Bravo is upon us.

The show begins with a recap of all the happenings at Bound For Glory this past Saturday and who walked away victorious in each match.

Following the recap, we cut immediately to the back where Eric Young is attacking the new IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann. They battle from the back and onto the stage moving towards the ring. Both men battle back and forth with neither to get a full advantage as they enter the ring. Finally, Scott D’Amore and a litany of referees and security manages to break it up. Young starts screaming that he wants his rematch right now as D’Amore tells him this is not how it is done. Swann tells D’Amore that he wants to give him his rematch right now, even though he can barely stand. D’Amore makes the match official.

IMPACT World Championship Match – Eric Young vs. Rich Swann (C)

Result: Rich Swann retains via pinfall following a Phoenix Splash.

Thoughts: Swann making perhaps not the wisest choice as he is battling the former champion in dress pants and bare feet. Swann takes an early advantage until EY reverses a hurricanrana attempt into a huge throwing powerbomb. A little back and forth before the World Champion lands a Phoenix Splash and just like Saturday night it gets him the pinfall victory.

Our commentary team of Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne welcome us officially to the show and run-down tonight’s card.

We see Nevaeh backstage waiting outside of a room. Havok comes out and confirms that she has helped bring back Father James Mitchell and that tonight’s wedding is officially on.

Back from the break and we see most of the Knockouts roster knocking on the IMPACT Management door all trying to get some information on the return of the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Kaleb (with a K!) sees that they have announced an 8-team tournament starting in 3 weeks. Everyone leaves with Alisha left on her own. Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz return to make fun of her before Jordynne Grace comes to her aid and they set up a tag match for later tonight.

Hardcore Halloween Match – Brian Myers vs. Tommy Dreamer

Result: Tommy Dreamer wins via pinfall after a Death Valley Driver through a table.

Thoughts: Tommy Dreamer enters once again with the Road Warrior Animal face paint and shirt to pay tribute to the recently passed tag team legend. Weapons are scattered all around ringside with the first coming to use is a baseball jersey that Dreamer uses to choke out Myers. Both men struggle with a garbage can but no indication as to what is in it making it so heavy. Dreamer uses both a walker and the ring bell on Myers, finally fulfilling his promise to get hardcore on Myers that he made a month ago or so. Both men battle through the break and we get a variety of weapons both good and useless, from steel chairs and kendo sticks to actual apples. Dreamer dumps a bag into the ring mixed with thumbtacks and candy corn. Both men up top as Myers attempts a superplex onto the mess but instead gets bitten and thrown into the tacks. Dreamer introduces a table from under the ring. Myers clotheslines Dreamer into the mess and tells him this is his last match ever. Out of the heavy garbage can emerges Swoggle who uses some barbecue tongs on Myers crotch which leads to Dreamer hitting a Death Valley Driver through the table for the pinfall.

Gia Miller is backstage with Rhino and Heath and Rhino reveals that once Heath is healthy both men are going to use the Call Your Shot victory to go after the Tag Team titles (Side note: Called it!). Heath reveals that he will be signing his contract next week. Gia asks about his injury status which he denies but is unable to walk away from the interview set so they dismiss Gia instead.

A promo video for the Hard To Kill PPV on January 16th is shown.

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Fallah Bahh is on the run backstage and gets cornered by Reno Scum and Hernandez. Bahh says he doesn’t have the money and they strip his shirt away to see he doesn’t have the wad around his neck. He tells them he gave the money to John E. Bravo so they take off, but not before Luster takes a shot. After they leave, Fallah reaches down and pulls the wad of cash from next to his wad. He sniffs the money and says “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Tag Team Match – XXXL vs. The Rascalz

Result: XXXL wins when Larry D hits a top rope splash on Dez for the pinfall.

Thoughts: Another rematch that we have seen a few times over the past month. Josh Matthews hints at this match being able to put the winners in contention for a Tag Team Title match. Both Rascalz immediately fly off the ropes and take out their opponents but Acey is finally able to slow down Wentz and allow XXXL to take control. Larry D heads to the top and we get all four men battling until finally, it ends with Larry D hitting a huge splash from the top rope for the pinfall.

Backstage Scott D’Amore is meeting with Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee and a barrister representing her. He advises he can shut down the show and make D’Amore’s life a living nightmare unless he goes to the ring and strips Su Yung of the Knockouts Championship and awards it back to Purrazzo. D’Amore says he will head to the ring right now and take care of this.

Back from break and Gia Miller is with the Motor City Machine Guns to discuss an update on Shelley’s health who advises he is hurting but will be back. Sabin tells The North they will be back for the titles once Shelley is healthy. They are interrupted by XXXL who say they should be the Number One contenders. Following some words XXXL attacks Alex leaving him laid out.

Scott D’Amore is in the ring to address the controversy surrounding the Knockouts Championship. After announcing that they will not strip Su Yung of the title, Purrazzo and her posse enter the ring. Barrister Evans comes out and starts making threats. D’Amore points out that IMPACT loves a good lawsuit that will take forever and likely go nowhere (my hope is that this was an intentional dig at Joey Ryan and his frivolous lawsuit against IMPACT) but that Purrazzo is a competitor and should just take an offered rematch for next week. Following a brief consultation, Purrazzo accepts. Su Yung enters the arena, immediately putting both Evans and Kimber Lee in the Mandible Claw and sprays the mist in Scott D’Amore’s eyes. Purrazzo attacks but Su overcomes and locks her in the Mandible Claw as well, leaving everyone down around her.

Rich Swann is backstage chatting with all three Rascalz and Willie Mack. Moose approaches and tells Rich that him being the TNA World Heavyweight Championship making him number one over Swann. Moose mocks Swann’s poor upbringing firing him up and leading to the Rascalz removing him. Willie Mack gets in Moose’s face but Moose advises him that he picks when they fight. Back to Swann who is met by Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock. Sami tells Rich that he will be hearing a lot from him as Swann and Shamrock have a face-off.

A video package spotlighting Ken Shamrock’s induction into the IMPACT Hall Of Fame is shown, with clips sent in from Bas Rutten, Chael Sonnen, Ariel Helwani, Bret Hart, Mick Foley and the official induction speech from The Rock himself.

The North is backstage teaching the security goons how to be a good tag team when they are interrupted by The Good Brothers. Ethan Page cuts a promo about how the worst investment IMPACT ever made was signing The Good Brothers (clearly forgetting they once hired Hulk Hogan to nearly destroy the company). They go back and forth and Page slaps the taste out of Gallows leading to a pull-apart brawl.

The IMPACT Plus Flashback Moment Of The Week takes us to Victory Road 2020 where Rohit Raju retained the X Division Championship despite losing to Willie Mack via countout.

Rohit is backstage doing his best impression of 1998-era Rock. Jimmy Jacobs walks in and mentions believing there was a party there and Rohit grabs him before he can leave and cuts a promo about walking out of Bound For Glory still the X Division Champion. Jacobs points out that TJP had the match won before Rohit snuck in for the pin and he kicks him out.

John E. Bravo yells at the Stay Puft Marshmallow man who is Fallah Bahh. He says he heard Hernandez is looking for him and if he finds him he will tell him how Fallah has the wad of cash still. He then tells Fallah that he is dead to him before leaving. And of course, Johnny Swinger is there to complete the scene and laugh at Fallah.

Knockouts Tag Team Match – Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs. Alisha & Jordynne Grace

Result: Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz win via pinfall when Tasha rolls Alisha up.

Thoughts: A match that exists simply to highlight some miscommunications between Alisha and Jordynne Grace. Early in the match, Alisha gets in the way of a potential suicide dive by Grace. As always, lots of great trash talk from Hogan & Steelz. As the match goes on we sees bits of Grace and Alisha working together but still getting their runs stopped by the teamwork of Hogan & Steelz. Grace calls for a tag but Alisha keeps exclaiming that she’s got this as she keeps getting beaten down. Tasha prevents a tag with a huge spinebuster. As expected Alisha runs into Jordynne and gets rolled up by Tasha for the win.

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Following the match, Jordynne and Alisha get into each other’s faces but don’t come to full blows.

We see Willie Mack interacting with a fan outside in the parking lot when he is attacked by Moose, who asks for the camera making sure it got recorded. It appears he is now controlling his own narrative.

Back from break and we see Rosemary (dressed like Beetlejuice) and Taya (dressed as Lydia). Taya tries to warn Rosemary about Bravo but she is confident in what will happen and Taya reveals she has a bad feeling about this.

Josh and Madison run down the card for next week’s show including Chris Bey facing Trey Miguel, a Bound For Glory rematch as Su Yung defends the Knockouts Championship against the former Champion Deonna Purrazzo, Ethan Page will battle Doc Gallows and the IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann will team with Eddie Edwards against Eric Young and Sami Callihan.

Time for the wedding as much of the roster surrounds the ring. Everyone is dressed up in one way or another, with the Deaners being Bob and Doug McKenzie from SCTV/Strange Brew, XXXL as the Nasty Boyz, Alisha seems to be Little Red Riding Hood, and then Taya as Lydia along with Fallah Bahh as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. John E. Bravo then enters looking as potentially ridiculous as he can. We are then joined by the mischievous Father James Mitchell and finally the bride herself, Rosemary who is accompanied to the ring by Crazzy Steve.

Father Mitchell oversees the wedding, asking if anyone would like to object to the marriage to speak now and no one does. Mitchell advises that both parties have written their own vows. Bravo essentially recites the Addams Family theme song before stating that nobody can ruin this day for him. Rosemary speaks about how she will get what she wants and no being from any realm can stop her. At all these times everyone stops to wait for someone to interrupt but no one does. Mitchell calls over the ring imp, Swoggle to bring the rings. The happy couple exchanges their rings as Mitchell does the standard asking if “they do” and both agree. Mitchell announces he may kiss the demon when the lights go out. A shot is heard and when they come back on, Bravo is motionless on the ground with a bloodstain on his chest. Tommy Dreamer runs in and asks who shot Bravo before exclaiming an over the top “NOOOOOOOOO” as the show goes off the air. So uh, guess we are doing a Clue storyline now?

An overall fun show, if a little disjointed at times. Not sure where the wedding storyline goes from here, but if Rikishi shows up and says he did it for The Rock, I’m all in.

Kyle’s Pick Of The Night

Hardcore Halloween Match – Brian Myers vs. Tommy Dreamer

Other than the ridiculous ending with Swoggle, this was a fun little throwback match.

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