IMPACT Wrestling Results - 10-20-2020 - The North vs The Good Brothers

It’s the final IMPACT before this weekend’s coming Bound For Glory! This week features a 5-way match with consequences for the Call Your Shot Gauntlet on Saturday night, as well a rehearsal for Rosemary and John E. Bravo’s upcoming wedding, plus sit down interviews with IMPACT World Champion Eric Young and TNA World Heavyweight Champion Moose!

The show begins with a recap of the confrontation between Scott D’Amore and Eric Young confirming Rich Swann’s status for Saturday’s main event followed by the bloody brawl between EC3 and Moose.

As always, our commentary team is Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne.

Fatal Five Way Match – Winner Enters at Number 20 in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet, Whoever Is Pinned Will Enter At Number One – Heath Vs. Cousin Jake Vs. Hernandez Vs. Alisha Vs. Rhino

Result: Hernandez wins by rolling up Rhino with a school boy. 

Thoughts: The match begins with the obvious question of Alisha being involved, with her getting in every single wrestler’s face and pushing them all. Hernandez grabs her and puts her in the corner while the guys get at each other. Alisha seemingly comes and goes in respect to the match, with the guys beating the hell out of one another and Alisha landing a big top rope dive to the field. Following some brawling all around the ring and ringside, Rhino attempts a Gore on Hernandez who moves out of the way leaving Alisha to be cut in half. While everyone is in disbelief Hernandez wisely rolls Rhino up for the victory. So this Saturday Rhino will begin the Gauntlet and Hernandez will be the final entrant. 

Josh and Madison run down the cards for both tonight and Bound For Glory on Saturday.

We get a great video package covering the feud between EC3 and Moose all the way up to last week’s bloody brawl.

Jimmy Jacobs conducts a sit-down interview with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Moose. Jimmy comments on Moose regaining the belt last week and how Moose doesn’t seem happy about it. Moose comments on the happiness of anyone in the world currently before blowing Jimmy off and leaving. Jimmy is then abducted by three men in hoodies bearing the EC3 symbol, who take him into a nearby waiting vehicle and throw him in the backseat.

Backstage, John E. Bravo is flipping out about not having an altar for the wedding while the wedding party looks on. Crazzy Steve covers the monkeys ears while Cody Deaner comments on what a dick Bravo is and how he wants to kill him. Johnny Swinger replies with “like his dad Dino?” in this week’s questionable taste moment that also made me laugh hysterically. Bravo asks if Jake got the photographer and it is revealed that Kaleb (with a K!) will be doing the photos. Tenille is along for the ride once Kaleb (with a K!) confirms they are being paid. Taya enters while Fallah Bahh secretly ogles the wad of cash. In the end Bravo leaves as Taya looks on.

We get a video package from Deonna Purrazzo which is expertly done as she speaks of the legacy of the Knockouts Championship and how important it is for her to live up to these lofty expectations. She speaks on Kylie Rae basing her whole persona around hope and how that plays on emotions, and the Virtuosa will take great pride in breaking her arm on Saturday night.

Knockouts Match – Rosemary Vs. Havok – If Rosemary wins, Havok must help resurrect Father James Mitchell

Result: Rosemary wins via pinfall following two spears

Thoughts: An interesting and intriguing match between two of my favorite Knockouts. Essentially a slugfest with the occasional wrestling move tossed in. It’s nice to see two wrestlers who actually continually go for the pinfall or submission when something is on the line. Far too often it never seems like the performers want to win as opposed to running through the spots they have planned. Following two spears back to back, Rosemary grabs the pinfall. Following the match, Havok looks terrified and defeated knowing she must help bring back Father James Mitchell to attend to the wedding.

A video package is shown going over the history leading into this Saturday’s huge match for the IMPACT Tag Team Championships between the champions The Motor City Machine Guns, The North, Ace Austin & Madman Fulton and The Good Brothers.

We are shown a sneak peek of Talk’N Shop Full Keg, which is airing immediately after tonight’s IMPACT. 

We get a video package from Kylie Rae discussing what it means to her to be challenging for the IMPACT Knockouts Champion and how she wants to inspire others when she wins the title. She discusses Deonna breaking Susie’s arm and how that has awakened her anger and it taking over at times. Another well put together video.

Catching up with Jimmy Jacobs being taken into a warehouse or factory of some sort. Placed in a chair he is joined by EC3 before we head to break.

Back from break and EC3 finally opens up about everything he has done since his return. He has succeeded in helping Moose become who he is supposed to be as they will fight in the narrative on Saturday night. I typing this one out would simply not do it justice as it may be the best promo of EC3’s career. You need to see this one as their match went from being one I didn’t care about to nearly must-see after this promo.

Singles Match – Sami Callihan vs. Eddie Edwards

Result: Sami Callihan wins via pinfall with a roll-up after a distraction from Ken Shamrock.

Thoughts: No sign of Ken Shamrock as the match begins with both men trading blows before moving to the outside with Eddie hitting a suicide dive and later Sami nailing an Exploder Suplex on the ramp. Constant attacks to the eyes from both men harkening back to the history between the two men when Sami nearly blinded Eddie with a baseball bat. Brutal back and forth and Eddie almost puts away Sami with the Tiger Driver before he kicks out at the very last second. Sami finally gets his phone turning out the arena lights with Ken Shamrock on the apron. This allows Sami to get the quick roll-up for the three. Eddie immediately continues the attack but Shamrock takes control with a belly to belly suplex and an Ankle lock.

A video package is shown covering the lead-up to the X Division Championship match this Saturday and all of the “opportunities” that Rohit Raju has been giving leading to Scott D’Amore making the 6-way scramble match.

6-Person Tag Team Match – Willie Mack, Trey Miguel & TJP vs. Rohit Raju, Chris Bey & Jordynne Grace

Result: Willie Mack, Trey Miguel & TJP win when Trey pins Rohit.

Thoughts: The entire crux of the match is whether the team featuring Rohit, Jordynne and Bey can get along. For a while, they manage to co-exist, mostly by leaving Rohit out of the picture. Once he enters we get a rally from TJP taking everyone out. In the end, it comes down to Chris Bey and Rohit Raju coming to blows, leading to a cutter on Rohit from Bey, who is then superkicked by Trey Miguel who falls on top of Rohit for the pinfall victory.

A video package hyping the main event IMPACT World Championship match between Eric Young and Rich Swann is shown, documenting their history together and everything that has happened since Slammiversary. 

Gia Miller sits down with the IMPACT World Champion Eric Young for an interview. Gia comments on his level of violence leading into Bound For Glory. Eric says that he is not the problem. He has warned everyone to stay out of his way. He says when his boundaries are crossed the people who do it will have to deal with the ramifications. He once again tells Rich Swann that his actions are on him. Rich Swann attacks from off-screen and the two battle out of the building and into the parking lot, where they end up running into the cameraman killing the video feed.

Josh and Madison run down the full card for Saturday’s Bound For Glory as we lead into the main event.

Tag Team Match – The North Vs. The Good Brothers

Result: No Contest 

Thoughts: The battle of arguably the best tag team in the business and the team that IMPACT is looking to build their brand around going forward. Anderson and Page battle it out before Page gets tossed to the outside as we head to break. Back from the break and we have Josh Alexander in the ring getting beat down by the Brothers. There is no better in-ring trash talker in North American wrestling right now than Ethan Page, dude never shuts up and is never not entertaining. Expert heel tag work by The North with Page clapping his hands in the ring to signify a tag behind the referee’s back which is a classic heel move that we don’t see enough of these days. A huge chunk of the match is spent with The North just wearing down Karl Anderson, almost to the point where it feels like an old WCW Center Stage match. Gallows finally gets the hot tag and decimates Page. An attempted Magic Killer is thwarted by Josh Alexander and all four men just start beating the hell out of one another leading to the match being thrown out. Following the announcement from David Penzer of the match ending, Austin & Fulton come out joining the brawl before the Machine Guns join the fray. In the end, we are left with The Good Brothers and the Tag Team Champions in the ring. Anderson offers his hand to Shelley but pulls him into a Cutter. Sabin attacks but is dropped with a Magic Killer.

Kyle’s Pick Of The Night

Sami Callihan vs. Eddie Edwards

Not a lot to choose from as the show was heavy on video hype packages for Saturday’s Bound For Glory, but Edwards and Callihan once again beat the ever-loving piss out of one another for our enjoyment and you can’t go wrong with that.

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Kyle Scharf

Kyle is a published writer for HorrorHound and a Senior Contributor to The Signature Spot.


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